Books, Music & More
by Sister Stella Sabina
Purchase a book, a poem or a song, educate a girl!
​Every book, poem or song you purchase helps us to buy food and other necessities for our girls, to supplement tuition costs, and to rescue and bring our trafficked girls back home. The stories and poems will unite you in spirit to those who need your help.

Out of a "Dark and Narrow Tunnel"
This book is a documentation of my life's blessings, challenges and experiences kept in many, many tiny diaries over the years and in my memory. I write to be thankful and to heal. But my other wish is that whoever reads my book also reflects on her or his own life story. Appreciating what the Creator helps us to go through and emerge as free, happy, and loving human beings is a blessing. Everyone has a story, and each one’s story is a remarkable story because it is the foundation of her or his life. No matter how hard your life experiences, if you do not give up, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. I am so happy I made it out of my grandma’s house and all the wars in my country alive. I can relate to the saying that goes, “What does not kill you strengthens you.” Everything I went through gave me courage, the hinge on which my life rotates.
Mama the Storyteller: A Companion for Storytellers
Mama gave me a chance many children of today do not get; to sit around the fire and hear their mothers narrate traditional stories, not from books but from the heart. She changed voices of the different characters and sometimes even sang to bring the stories to life. I had to learn how to pay attention, as there were no books for reference later. “If you do not pay attention and think about what I am telling you, you will have nothing to teach your children when you become a parent,” Mama said over and over. She taught me how to think and figure out what I needed to learn from the stories she told. I hope storytellers will be enriched by the stories Mama told me when I was growing up, and those I have written using her methodology. To be a storyteller you need a rich bank of stories on various themes of life. My intention is to enrich storytellers, and to keep Mama’s memory, she is the best teacher I have ever had.

Sky-High Tongue Twisters Vol. 1
Tongue twisters are a segment of poetry in short sentences, phrases or verses with words that make the tongue twist when said fast. I wrote most of the tongue twisters in this book during flights to my field work in Kenya and Uganda, from 2015 to 2019. While other passengers played games on their phones, iPads and laptops, or watch movies to pass time, I ceased the opportunity to make my own movies with tongue twisters. By sharing my inspirations, I would like to join the company of those who use words to uplift and engage people in positive ways in communal activities to hear each other and laugh together. I hope you will enjoy my tongue twisters and all the games I have come up with in this book.

Vision Changes Lives: A Trip to Remember
A Trip to Remember is about our partnership trip to Kenya and Uganda. Both a “A Bridge to Kenya, Inc.” and SITEAW, Inc. sponsored this trip. The intention was to screen and provide eye glasses to people in villages that expressed the need for them in Kenya and Uganda. With our friends Maria and Ulf from Austria, we spent three weeks of intensive work: screening and training screeners and visiting with some SITEAW girls in school. Nothing went as we planned, but nothing of what we were supposed to do was left undone. We learned to let go and submit to the Creator’s will. Gordon and I wrote this book to share our experience and also to raise money and support the trainees we left behind to continue helping the people in their communities who are badly in need of eye glasses.

​​​"We Are the People" is a coloring book by Sr. Stella. It is a fundraiser to provide school lunches for SITEAW girls. The message in this book is for all ages.

​The Earth is My Home as Well as Your Home
I hope this poem will help my readers to deepen their love for Mother Earth and take good care of her as she takes good care of us, and everything that exists. I would like you to enjoy this poem and recite it many times until memorized. That is why I composed a melodic refrain to be sung in between the verses. After reciting the poem, putting one's brain to a test by researching and filling in the missing information also broadens the knowledge about Mother Earth. Coloring the pictures makes one a co-author and co-illustrator. This book is for all ages and can spark a group discussion or a bigger project about Mother Earth.

​​Harambee Music
I composed these songs to share my cultural rhythms with children and adults who feel like children at heart. Most of the songs are in English but composed on an African beat. As music embraces all languages, I hope even songs in my language and other languages will bring joy to children all over the world.