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Our Major Fundraisers:

*We sponsor girls, who, if not in school would be subjected to inhuman traditions including mutilation, premature marriage and trafficking. 

*In solidarity with SitEAW women in Uganda, we hold Basket Balancing Races.  We uplift women by buying the baskets, aprons, and hats they make. 


More Fundraisers:

* We have inspirational books, written by Sister Stella, for sale.

* There are sponsorship opportunities available for our Diversity Drum Circles. 

* Most importantly, we're raising funds for our Future Education Center for our girls in Uganda.

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The Basket Balancing Race is a race whereby racers walk or run with baskets on their heads without supporting them with their hands. Proceeds from the Basket Balancing Race will strictly go toward sponsoring girls-at-risk in school and uplifting women’s educational and self-help projects.




The next Basket Balancing Race will be:

Date:  TBD

​Where:  Nkokonjeru Village in Uganda

Who: 30 teams from schools, villages and institutions to participate.

Volunteers Needed:  videographers, photographers and judges and team sponsors.

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The future Education & Safe Center is where girls and women will be empowered to change their lives through education. Join the Bricklayer Society by donating $500 to help us build the Education & Safe Center for our girls. Gifts of any size are welcome and needed.


In sponsoring a girl, you help that girl complete her education.  You can choose to see her through a month at a time or the whole year.  You have the choice to be in contact with the girl you sponsor as well as receive photos of her and her report cards.


Every book, poem or song you purchase helps us to buy food and other necessities for our girls, to supplement tuition costs, and to rescue and bring our trafficked girls back home.  The stories and poems will unite you in spirit to those who need your help.

Drum circles bring joy to all ages. Everyone longs for a stress-free activity to let off steam. I have seen children, who, when I enter a classroom with drums jump up with joy to appreciate the moment. I have seen adults who come to the drum circle so exhausted or depressed or angry, but the moment they start playing the drum, their moods change and their faces light up.


Cultural Diversity Drum Circle

Meets on Sundays at 3:00 P.M Butler University in Robertson Hall
or at the entrance of HolComb Gardens during Summer.

Check our weekly group updates on Facebook.



Headbands Designed and Created by Our Girls

You can purchase beautifully design and hand made headbands and support our girls!
A perfect gift for a special occasion. 



Educate African Girls

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