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SITEAW has a lifelong goal of supporting and sustaining girls in our program.  Education is the key to their success.

We are focused on building a base of operations for volunteers in Uganda including a safe center for our girls and women to provide much needed support on the ground.

SitEAW is currently establishing a Basket Balancing Race in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres as a main source of fundraising.  We believe it is a way to empower our women and raise awareness for this important cause.

Achieving these goals requires recruitment of volunteers to lead educational outreach programs in Uganda and Kenya.  These volunteers are critical to our mission.

For many years we have been striving to build leadership before building a center. But as the number of girls and women we help continue to grow, so is the urgency of a center to be a haven for the girls at risk and an empowering place for women to acquire skills. We now have leadership in our girls who have finished college, our goal for the next three years is to buy a piece of land and build the needed center. The estimated cost is $580,000

Uganda/Kenya Field Trip

We believe in the global village connection and achievement. Therefore, we welcome all volunteers from the Northern Hemisphere to join our annual field trips to Uganda/Kenya, and later to all African countries where we will extend our work. These trips help to establish solidarity, unity, cultural enrichment, and education. Our field trip to Uganda/Kenya takes place at the end of July. It costs $2600: This includes a return ticket, accommodation, meals, and land travel for a two-weeks stay and volunteering in three districts roughly 150+ Kilometers apart in Uganda and one district in Kenya.

Currently we are sponsoring 41 girls in Uganda. Most of these girls come from districts where they could be circumcised or married off if they were not in school. Others come from poverty stricken families. They would also be prematurely married off, sold or trafficked if they were not in school. It costs $550 a year to sponsor a girl in primary school, $1000 in high school and $3500 in college. We depend on our sponsors, donors and fundraisers to keep all the girls in school.  Tax deductible donations and good-will donations toward sponsoring our girls in school are all appreciated.

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